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Monday, December 7, 2020

Arizona Cookbook - Sourdough


This is an old cookbook from 1983. I'm trying to put sections here so I don't loose it. This is very regional cooking and I used to make several things from this sourdough section when I lived in Arizona. 
Title: arizona cookbook
Indian - mexican - Western - Arizona products- backpacking/camping- patio barbecue 
golden weat publishers (my book nolonger has covers)
This is the introduction page to the sourdough section.

Western Ways
The southwest is synonymous with cowboys and prospectors, and cowboys and prospectors call to mind sourdough bread and pinto beans.

At round-up time, chuck wagon cooks would follow the cowboys with several weeks' supplies, including a substantial crock of sourdough starter. Today, there are as many recipes for sourdough as there are sourdough enthusiasts. Much of the fun of sourdough cookery, however, does come from experimentation, Basically, the starter is a combination of milk (or water) and flour which is exposed to yeast cells floating in the air. Given a gestation period, the cells start bubbling, and the process of fermentation has begun. One of the pleasantest ways to start an Arizona friendship is to share sourdough starter.

With sourdough bread and pinto beans, old-time prospectors could keep themselves fortified for weeks. "Pinto" is a Spanish word meaning "speckled” and, indeed, pinto beans do have dark speckles of brown on a creamy-white background. However, these brown dabs disappear during cooking, and the beans emerge as a reddish-brownish color.

In Arizona, pintos are commonly referred to as "frijoles,' and frijoles, meat, and chiles are often combined into one dish. “Chile" itself refers to peppers grown in the southwest. Generally, the smaller the chile pods, the hotter the chile.

1 cup MILK
1 cup FLOUR
To begin, place one cup milk in a glass jar or crock nothing metal) and allow to stand at room temperature for 24 hours.

Stir in 1 cup flour. (To speed the process, cover jar with cheesecloth and place outside for several hours to expose dough to the wild yeast cells floating in the wind.)

Leave uncovered in a warm place (80 is ideal) for 2 to 5 days, depending on how long it takes to bubble and sour. (May be kept near the pilot light on a gas range.) If it starts to dry out, stir in enough moderately warm water to bring it back to the original consistency. Once it has a good sour aroma and is full of bubbles, it is ready to use.

This starter is best if you use it at least once a week. If it is not used for two or three weeks, spoon out and discard about half of the starter and replenish it as described above. If you don't plan to use the starter for several weeks or more it is a good idea to freeze it. Since freezing slows down the yeast action, leave it at room temperature for 24 hours after thawing.

Each time you use part of your starter, replenish it with a mixture of equal amounts of milk and flour. Leave at room temperature for several hours until it becomes full of bubbles. Then cover and store it in the refrigerator.

1 cake YEAST dissolved in 2 cups warm WATER
Add 2 cups FLOUR and place in crockery or pottery bowl (NOT in metal)
Let set in warm place for 3 or 4 days.

When it begins to ferment, skim off top. This scum will be quite thick and may have to be skimmed way down. Add enough flour and water to make a consistency of paste. To keep alive, add flour and water same as above and skim off as it works.

Take a gallon crock or wooden bucket and put in the following:
2 cups FLOUR
1 teaspoon SALT
3 tablespoons SUGAR
1/2 teaspoon DRY YEAST
2 cups lukewarm WATER

Stir mixture until a smooth thin paste. Put on lid and set in a warm place to sour. Stir it several times a day. In two or three days the sourdough will be ready.

If no yeast is available, add 4 tablespoons sugar and 1-1/2 teaspoons salt to the starter and it will sour, too, except the process will take about 5 days. 

To keep starter active, add one cup unsifted flour and one cup warm water and let stand at room temperature either all night or all day. Do this at least once a week. Always reserve one-half cup or more of starter and store in refrigerator.

2 cups FLOUR
2 cups lukewarm WATER
2 level tablespoons SUGAR
1 teaspoon SALT
3 tablespoons melted SHORTENING or OIL
1 teaspoon BAKING SODA

To the 1/2 cup of starter add 2 cups of flour and two cups lukewarm water, Beat until smooth and let stand in a warm place overnight.

To the hotcake dough, add sugar, salt and melted shortening or oil. Beat in eggs. Dissolve soda in one tablespoon water and fold in gently. Do not stir after soda has been added. Grease griddle and bake.

Follow pancake recipe, but in place of the flour called for, substitute 1-1/2 cups buckwheat flour and 1/4 to 1/2 cup white flour.

1/2 cup warm WATER
1 cup undiluted EVAPORATED MILK
1-3/4 to 2 cups unsifted FLOUR
2 tablespoons SUGAR
1/2 teaspoon SALT
About 1 teaspoon SODA

Combine starter, evaporated milk, water, and flour in a large bowl, mix to blend and leave at room temperature overnight. The next morning, add eggs, sugar and salt and soda and mix well (don't beat!). Cook on a greased griddle over moderate heat. Do not let griddle smoke! Turn when top side is full of broken bubbles and has lost glossiness. Makes 30 dollar-size or a dozen 6-inch pancakes.

1 cup milk
2-1/2 cups unsifted FLOUR
3/4 teaspoon SALT
1 tablespoon SUGAR
1 teaspoon double-acting BAKING POWDER
About 1/2 teaspoon SODA

Mix the starter, milk and 1 cup of the flour in alarge bowl. (Prepare this the night before for breakfast.) Cover the bowl and keep at room temperature to let rise.

Turn this very soft dough out onto 1 cup flour on a bread board. Combine salt, sugar, baking powder, and soda with remaining 1/2 cup flour and sift over the top. With your hands, mix dry ingredients into the soft dough, kneading lightly to get correct consistency. Roll out to a 1/2 inch thickness. Cut out biscuits with a cutter and dip each in either warm bacon grease OR a mixture of half salad oil and half melted butter.

Place close together in a 9 1/2 inch square pan and set in a warm place to let rise for about 1/2 hour. Bake in a moderately hot oven (375 F) for half an hour. (Makes about 14 biscuits.)

1 package active dry YEAST
1-1/2 cups warm WATER
2 teaspoons SUGAR
1-1/2 teaspoons SALT
5 cups sifted Family Kitchen or Rose FLOUR
1/2 teaspoon BAKING SODA

In large mixing bowl, soften yeast in the warm water. Blend in starter batter, sugar, and salt. Add 3-1/2 cups flour. Beat 3 or 4 minutes. Cover and let rise in a warm place until double, about 1 1/2 hours. Mix baking soda with remaining 1-1/2 cups flour. Stir into dough. Add enough additional flour, about 1/2 cup, to make a stiff dough. Turn out on lightly floured surface and knead 8 to 10 minutes. Shape into 1 large or 2 medium loaves. Place on lightly greased baking sheets. Let rise in warm place until double, about 1-1/2 hours. Bake in 400 oven for 35 to 40 minutes for medium loaves and 40 to 45 minutes for large loaf.

To shape Round Loaves
Form into ball shape and place on baking sheet. Slightly flatten top with hand and make vertical cuts about 1/4" deep around each loaf at 2-inch intervals with a sharp knife.

To shape French Bread
Divide dough in half. Roll each half into 15x10" oblong. Beginning with wide side, roll up tightly toward you. Seal edges by pinching together. Roll back and forth to lengthen loaf and taper ends. Place diagonally on lightly-greased corn-meal-sprinkled baking sheet. Make 1/4" slashes in dough at 2" intervals.

Make dough as directed, but shape into 2 balls. Roll each ball out on floured board to 1/2" thick. Slice dough in long strips, 1/2” wide and roll each strip with your hands on floured board to make them cylindrical. Brush with water and place about l' apart on lightly greased baking sheet. Let rise in warm place for 30 minutes and bake at 400 for 20 minutes,

1-1/2 cups unsifted FLOUR
1 cup undiluted EVAPORATED MILK
2 tablespoons SUGAR
1 cup chopped DATES
1/2 cup chopped WALNUTS
2 beaten EGGS
1/2 cup quick cooking ROLLED OATS
1 teaspoon BAKING POWDER
1/2 teaspoon EACH of SODA and SALT

The night before, combine starter, flour, undiluted evaporated milk, and sugar; partially cover and leave at room temperature overnight. Next day, cream butter and brown sugar. Add dates and nuts; set aside. Combine eggs, rolled oats, baking powder, soda, and salt; stir into the sourdough mixture with date mixture. Turn into greased loaf pan (5 x 9 in.) and let rise about 1 hour. Bake in a moderately hot oven (375 F) for one hour. Cool for 10 minutes in pan, then remove from pan to cooling rack. Serve warm or cool. Makes one loaf.

1 quart lukewarm WATER
3/4 cup or 1 cup SUGAR
2 tablespoons SALT
6 tablespoons melted SHORTENING
12 cups FLOUR

Mix ingredients in the order given, adding flour last, using enough to make a dough that can be handled. Knead until smooth and elastic. Place in a greased bowl and let rise. It will take longer than yeast bread, Knead it down and let it rise again.

Shape into four oblong loaves and place on a lightly greased cooky sheet. Cover and set in warm place. Let rise to nearly double in size. Just before baking, brush outside with water; make diagonal slashes across the top with a sharp knife. Bake in a 350 F oven for an hour.

1-12 cups warm WATER
1 package YEAST (active dry or compressed)
4 cups unsifted FLOUR
2 teaspoons EACH SUGAR and SALT
About 1/2 teaspoon SODA
About 2 cups unsifted FLOUR

Pour warm water into a large mixing bowl. Stir in the yeast. Add starter, the 4 cups flour, salt and sugar. Stir vigorously for about 3 minutes with a wooden spoon. Turn into a large greased bowl. Cover with a towel and let rise in a warm place until double in bulk (1-1/2 to 2 hours). Mix soda with 1 cup of the remaining flour and stir in; the dough will be very stiff. Turn dough out onto a floured board and begin kneading. Add the remaining 1 cup flour (or more) to control the stickiness. Knead until satiny about 5 to 8 minutes.

Shape into two oblong loaves or one large round loaf. Place on a lightly greased cooky sheet. Cover. Place in a warm place. Let rise to nearly double in size (about 1 to 1-1/2 hours). Just before baking, brush outside with water; make diagonal slashes across the top with a sharp knife.

Put a shallow pan of hot water in the bottom of the oven. Bake in a hot oven (400 F) until the crust is a medium dark brown (about 45 minutes for oblong loaves and about 50 minutes for the round loaf.)

1-1/2 cups WHITE FLOUR
1/2 cup melted SHORTENING
1/2 cup SUGAR
1/2 cup EVAPORATED MILK (do not dilute)
1 teaspoon SALT
1 teaspoon SODA

Stir only enough to blend. Bake in greased muffin pans at 425 for 25 minutes, In place of the canned milk 1/2 cup water plus two tablespoons dry milk can be substituted.

(This recipe takes 24 hours from start to finish. The bread is denser in texture than the loaf made with commercial yeast.)
1-1/2 cups warm WATER
4 cups unsifted FLOUR
2 teaspoons EACH of SUGAR and SALT
2 cups unsifted FLOUR (more or less)
1 teaspoon SODA (or more)

Combine water, starter, 4 cups flour, salt and sugar. Mix well, place in a crock and leave at room temperature about 18 hours or until the sponge has doubled in size. Stir in 1 cup of the remaining flour which has been mixed with the soda. The resulting dough will be very stiff. Turn dough out onto a floured board and knead, adding remaining 1 cup flour as needed. Knead until smooth, 5 to 8 minutes. Shape into two oblong loaves or one large round loaf. Place on a lightly greased cooky sheet. Cover and place in a warm place for 3 to 4 hours, or until. nearly double in size. Just before baking, brush with water. Make diagonal slits in the top with a sharp knife. Place a shallow pan of hot water in the bottom of the oven. Bake in a hot oven (400 F) until crust is a medium dark brown (about 45 minutes for the oblong loaves, 50 minutes for the large round loaf).

2 EGGS, beaten
2 tablespoons SUGAR
1/4 cup melted BUTTER (warm)
1 teaspoon SALT
About 3/4 teaspoon SODA

Thoroughly mix the starter, cornmeal, evaporated milk, eggs, and sugar in a large bowl. Stir in melted butter, salt and soda. Turn into 10-inch greased pan and bake in hot oven(450 F) for 30 minutes. Serve hot.

1/2 cup STARTER
1 cup MILK
2-3/4 cups FLOUR
1 tablespoon SUGAR
3/4 teaspoon SALT
1/2 teaspoon SODA

In a large mixing bowl, combine starter, milk and two cups flour. Mix together, cover and set at room temperature about eight hours (or overnight). Mix 1/2 cup flour, sugar, salt and soda; sprinkle over dough; mix in thoroughly. Turn this very stiff dough out onto a board floured with remaining 1/4-cup flour. Knead about two or three minutes, Roll out to 3/4-inch thickness. Use a 3-inch cutter or tuna can with ends removed to cut nine muffins. Place one-inch apart on cookie sheet. Cover with towel and let rise an hour. Sprinkle both sides with corn meal and bake at 300 degrees in lightly greased electric frypan with cover on for 10 minutes on each side. Split and serve hot with butter and honey or jam.

1/2 cup STARTER
1 cup undiluted CANNED MILK
2 cups FLOUR
1 beaten EGG
1/2 teaspoon EACH-SALT & SODA
3 cups CORN FLAKES, crushed
3/4 cup chopped WALNUTS
3/4 cup shredded COCONUT (optional)

Stir starter, milk and 1 1/2 cups flour together in a large bowl. Set aside for two hours. Meanwhile, cream sugar and butter; blend in egg and a mixture of 1/2 cup flour, salt and soda. Stir in corn flakes, walnuts and coconut. Blend both mixtures together. Drop batter from a teaspoon onto greased cookie sheet, placing mounds two inches apart. Bake 15 minutes at 375 degrees. (Makes 60).

1 package active dry YEAST
1/2 cup warm WATER
2 cups sifted Family Kitchen or Rose FLOUR
2 cups lukewarm WATER
1 tablespoon SUGAR
1 teaspoon SALT

In a large mixing bowl, dissolve the yeast in warm water. Stir in flour, lukewarm water, sugar, and salt. Beat smooth with rotary beater. Let stand, uncovered, at room temperature for 3 to 5 days, stirring 2 or 3 times each day. Cover at night to prevent drying.
To keep starter alive: Add 1/2 cup lukewarm water, 1/2 cup sifted Family Kitchen or Rose flour, and 1 teaspoon sugar to leftover starter. Let stand until bubbly and well-fermented, at least 2 days. Cover; refrigerate until used again. If starter is not used within 2 weeks, add about 1 teaspoon sugar to keep it alive. Repeat every 14 days. NEVER STORE THE STARTER IN METAL.

1/2 cups Family Kitchen or Rose FLOUR
2 teaspoons BAKING POWDER
1/4 teaspoon BAKING SODA
1/2 teaspoon SALT
1 cup melted BUTTER
Sift the dry ingredients together. Blend in butter and starter. Pat the dough out on a floured surface, adding a little more flour, if necessary. Cut in rounds or squares and place on greased baking sheets. Cover and let rise 30 minutes or until light. Bake in 425 oven for 20 minutes or until browned and done. (Makes one dozen biscuits.)

Friday, August 7, 2020

No bake chocolate oatmeal peanutbutter cookies

2 C. Sugar

1/2 C. Milk

1 stick (1/2 cup) butter

1/4 C. Cocoa powder 

1 C. Peanutbutter 

3 C. Old fashioned rolled oats

1T. Vanilla extract

Combine sugar, butter, milk and cocoa into medium pot over medium heat stirring constantly till melted and it comes to rolling boil. Let boil 1 minute. 

Add in peanutbutter and stir till melted and blended. Remove from heat.

Add oatmeal and vanilla and stir till well blended. Drop by tablespoon full onto wax paper and let sit.

Drop by tablespoon fills onto wax paper and let set.

Sunday, July 26, 2020

Healing a tattoo with saniderm wrap

O. K. This is a very off topic post for my blog. I have tattoos and love tattoos. I actually have 6, and got my 1st in the 90's. My blog is G's Crafts and Things... this is part of the n' Things. 😉

My latest tattoo is a Phoenix which I drew (I drew my other tattoos as well) and my artist took my drawing and came up with a masterpiece. I got this done by Amanda at Wealthy Street Tattoo in Grand Rapids Michigan.

This is the 1st tattoo I've had where sanaderm was used to heal it. Sanaderm is a medical grade protective adhesive film about the thickness of plastic wrap. But its breathable while prevents dirt and contaminates to get to the ink. So far I'm loving it! What it also does is it seals in the tattoo so you can do things like, ya know, get dressed without anything rubbing it. Also you can sleep without your sheets or covers getting on it. This tattoo wraps to my shoulder blade and I can sleep on that side no problem which is awesome because I toss and turn often and I remember waking up when I had my other arm done and hit it wrong in my sleep. It also keeps the tattoo moist and you dont have to do the traditional wash multiple times a day and apply ointment. They stick it on after the tattoo is washed and dry and you dont touch it. Easy peasy.

You can also buy saniderm yourself reasonably on amazon and put it on at home when you take the plastic wrap off and wash it the 1st time. Just dry it and do not use ointment before applying the saniderm. The official instructions say to change the wrap a couple times. But I've looked all around and many artists do it like mine directs. Put it on in the shop and leave it on.

I was tattooed Wednesday evening. It is now sunday. So almost 4 full days.

The ink and plasma weeps and pools under the film, but it remains sealed and protected, though it does look gross.
Some bonus points is it is getting itchy. Being that its sealed under the film, I'm able to actually touch it and rub it gently and that is very relieving. Also if I move my arm around it moves the film which feels good to.

This tattoo isn't complete yet. I go back in and get all the coloring done in a few weeks. This is after 4 hours of black work.

So heres some pictures. This was during when she was finishing up the outlining. Tattoos in the era of covid, wear a mask!
 This is when it was washed after the line work was done before starting to fill in.
 This was as soon as I got home. The saniderm is in place and you can easily see the deaign
This is a great view of the head without the glare on the wrap. Remember, the tattoo is not done. When I go back the sun will be filled in, the fire in the tail will be complete and the wings will have blue in them. Right now the red tail feathers are only outlined.

 This is today. Almost 4 full days later. The saniderm is getting gross, but the tattoo is still safely sealed inside. The wrap is funky around the edges and wrinkly. I'm looking foward to taking it off, which I plan to do tomorrow or Tuesday. I'll update when I remove the saniderm. So far I'm totally sold on this stuff.
For refrence, this is the picture I drew and gave to my artist which she used to inspire my tattoo. This gives an idea what the coloring will be like.
See y'all when its revealed.
So I got the film off. It came off pretty easy. There is a sticky residue on my skin,  but that'll work off over a few washings. I peeled the film downward and back against the skin. Dont peel it outwards. I did it in the shower to.
Here is the tattoo. I love everything about it and cant wait till I finish it next month. It's perfect, placement is perfect. I love how the wing and tail flexes as I move my arm.

Tuesday, April 14, 2020

Easy no sew mask

Easy DIY dust / sickness mask

This is a great design if you happen to need a quick face mask during the current pandemic. Or simply find you need a dust mask for your crafting and hobbies but either don't know how to sew or simply don't want to.

They gave us these black masks at work and I thought the design was super clever so I wanted to share. I was going to take measurements, but it's not really relevant  because size would also depend on the fabric you use. I used an XL tshirt for the grey one here. The shape is really basic and easy. I cut this out through both sides of the tshirt so I got 2 from one cut. Front and back of the shirt.

The mask part that covers your mouth will be as wide at the center of the mask. The triangle bits become part of the strap so it's not as wide as it may seem. Cut the corners rounded. If you're using tshirt material , it will stretch more. Also do not make your straps any narrower than 1 inch as they will roll into a rope. I cut the tshirt width wise.

You want to cut the mask part tall enough to cover your nose and pull under your chin. You also want the slits yo rest on your cheeks.

There are 2 slits on either side that you pull your straps through and this gives the mask a contour shape and fit.

 You can see the slits in sides of this one. You want to cut them small enough to pull the straps through. 1 XL tshirt width was fine for me. You want to make sure to cut out the triangles or it will be to bulky yo pull through the slits.
 If using tshirts, before you pull that you lay it flat and see which side the edge curls towards. This is the side you want to put towards your face.

These masks are incredibly easy to make and use. You can make them out of anything you want. Tshirts,  button up shirts. Old clothing, sheets and pillowcases you have laying around. Maybe cut them much larger than you think you'll need as it's always better to have to much and trim down till its perfect.  Then there's the.

I hope someone out there gets use from this.

I personally found the tshirt material more comfortable as it has more give.

Remember the coronavirus is very contagious and you can have it and spread it before you even feel sick. It is reccomend to wear a mask to help prevent the spread of COVID-19 by basically keeping your breath to yourself.

My mask helps you and your mask helps me. I wear a mask if I have to be around people so that if I find out I have COVID-19 next week I know I did my part to try to stop the spread this week.

Be safe and be smart.

I'd love to know what you think of this mask. Drop a comment and have a great day!

Saturday, March 28, 2020

No excuse bread

In these times I though I would share a bread recipe i used to always make. This was the 1st bread I ever made and it's easy to follow. This is an old recipe out of an old lalecha league cookbook called "mothers in the kitchen"

                           no excuse bread

Recipe By     :
Serving Size  : 20    Preparation Time :0:00
Categories    : Breads

  Amount  Measure       Ingredient -- Preparation Method
--------  ------------  --------------------------------
  2           packages  yeast
  2          teaspoons  salt
     1/3           cup  butter -- softened
     1/3           cup  honey
     2/3           cup  powdered milk -- optional
  2              whole  egg
  1                cup  wheat germ -- optional
  2               cups  water -- warm
  7               cups  flour -- unsifted

Have all ingredients at room temperature. Combine warm water, yeast and honey. Put all ingredients and 3 cups of the flour in large mixing bowl. Beat 5-10 minutes at medium speed of electric mixer. Remove beaters.

By hand stir in another 3 cups flour, but there's no need to make it smooth.

sprinkle 1 cup flour in a circle about 10 inches in diameter on the kneading surface. Turn out the dough onto this flour. Oil your hands and begin kneeing in flour using finger tips only until dough stiffens up and isn't so sticky.

Knead 5-10 minutes or until dough is smooth and elastic. Adding additional flour if necessary. Poking a finger into the dough should leave an imprint that holds its form but slightly bounces back.

Cover with plastic wrap and folded towel. Let rest 20 minutes. Punch down by kneading a few strokes. Divide into 2 equal portions. On oiled surface, with oiled rolling pin, roll out each portion into appropriate an 8x12 inch rectangle.

If you've never rolled yeast dough, it seems like trying to roll foam rubber, but keep at it. Roll rectangle up towards you, jellyroll fashion from small end, sealing well.

Place seam side down in greased bread pans; brush with oil. Cover with plastic wrap, refrigerate anywhere from 2-*24 hours.

I would make this at night and bake it in the morning. about 10 minutes before baking, preheat oven and remove dough from refrigerator. Uncover, puncture with an oiled toothpick any air bubbles that may have developed. Bake 30-35 minutes at 375ºF

For the oil i used butter consistently through the recipe.

                                    - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Per Serving (excluding unknown items): 255 Calories; 6g Fat (20.2% calories from fat); 8g Protein; 43g Carbohydrate; 2g Dietary Fiber; 34mg Cholesterol; 270mg Sodium.  Exchanges: 2 1/2 Grain(Starch); 0 Lean Meat; 0 Non-Fat Milk; 1 Fat; 1/2 Other Carbohydrates.

NOTES : 1 packet yeast equals 2 1/4 teaspoon
You can substitute sugar for honey.
Whole wheat bread: may wish to replace honey with Molasses or part of each. use half whole wheat flour and half white. Bake 35-40 minutes at 375ºF.
High protein bread: Replace 1 cup flour with 6Tbs soy flour, 6Tbs powdered milk, 2Tbs wheat germ.
Add this with the 1st flour addition. This is especially good for  children or older persons who don't like to chew meat. Bake 40-45 minutes at 350ºF

Nutr. Assoc. : 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0