Knit & crochet pattern downloads

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

my 1st project and tatting experience

So I have decided to make my Grandma (Mom's Mom) a bookmark. It's a simple design. I found some really pretty thread. one was a dark purple varigated from Dk. purple to lt. purple and the other is lt. purple to white. the light purple in each match. So the rings are in the dark variegated and the chains are int he light variegated. I think it should be pretty. I know it won't be perfect but you gotta start somewhere. The thread is size 60.

I took this with me to my dentist apt. this AM. I figured it would be good practice and figured if I did run into someone who knew what I was doing they certainly wouldn't mind my beginner mistakes. And one of the dental assistants was asking me about it. I told her I had just started to teach my self and she said that she had some tatting supplies that were either her grandmothers or mothers and she didn't have anyone to pass them to and she does not intend to tatt and asked me if I wanted them. She said there were some plastic and metal shuttles and thread and that it's all tangled. I told her I would definitely appreciate them and if she gave them to me she could be assured that they would be going to someone who would appreciate them.

So tomorrow on my way home from work she will have them and I'll stop by and pick them up and also post on what my findings are.

I think now is definitely the time for me to start tatting with all these supplies coming in I would be a fool not to!


  1. Thats really kind of her to think of you for her unwanted tatting supplies - brilliant! Your tatting is seriously lovely. It's the one technique I never got around to learning. I have a shuttle and a few threads but didn't seem to get the hang of the written instructions. But it looks so beautiful and very accomplished, maybe I should give it another go...:-)

  2. I actually find tatting instructions to make more sense. they remind me of how crochet instructions are written. Also when i started I remembered I used to make tons of jewelry out of the knotting technique used to make friendship bracelets (though they didn't look like kids stuff) and that's just another form of knotting (falls under Macrame I think).

    I have a hard time with Knitting patterns though but I'm getting there. I use the book in my previous post to learn all this stuff.
