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Monday, September 14, 2009

my 1st tatting attempt

My 1st moteif attempt. on the left side I twisted my chain but had it figured out on the right side but I messed up and did a ring instead of a chain over on the far left. But i think I'm headed in the right direction.

so this is my 1st attempt at tatting. I used size 10 thread just for testers.


  1. A great first step! Now onward to the next step!

  2. That's a very impressive first step! It looks so perfect - every stitch in place. Precision stuff!

  3. Thank you! I picked up the shuttle a long time ago but put it right back down because i just didn't click with me though I admire the work and then I had someone sit down when seeing me do my curtains and ask me about tatting and my Dad had also asked if i still had my Great Great Aunt's supplies so I figured it's about time.

  4. Very nicely done! :) Looking good so far! I love size 10 for learning. It's also fun when you want a big chunky look for a project! :)

    ~TattingChic ♥

  5. 10 defiantly helps you see what you are doing. I seem to have jumped from 10 to 60 though, probably not the most recommended jump in thread size! Good thing my eyes are good!
