Knit & crochet pattern downloads

Friday, September 18, 2009

My next crochet project

So, I was thinking all last night (I work 3rd... 11pm - 7am) about the yarn I recieved and what I want to do with it. and the picture thing was just running wild in my minds eye and I started to sketch out my ideas on some lable paper from the printer. I see the background being a suble variegated blue and the grass being sublet variegated green done is a spike stitch. and the tree being appliqued on. the tree top which would be done in that wonderful yellow yarn would be ina overlapping bands of the clover lace stitch my aunt used that i found in her tatting stash I think the little clover pats would look very much like leaves. I also see the edging having leaves all around it. either in squares or appliqued on.

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