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Tuesday, October 20, 2009

A day at the apple orchard

The boys had a field trip to an apple orchard Monday. They really had a great time! Because of the cool weather apparently this has been a GREAT year for the apple crops. As you can see there are plenty to go around. They also got to go to the pumpkin patch and pick a pumpkin as well. The weather was cool but not to cold and it was just a really nice day for a trip to the orchard. They really enjoyed picking (and eating) the apples.

And speaking of apples this weekend is when we make all the apple pies for DD's band fundraiser. I will take pictures! last year we made something like 400 pies! The kids go out to the teachers orchard and pick the apples fresh then we spend 2 days making the pies. 1 day for making the topping than the next is assembly time. It's quite a experience. Though I will only be able to do the topping this year because of my Grandma's 90th birthday.


  1. Those trees have a LOT of apples, don't they? And that is a lot of pies to make:-)) Looks like you still have some good apple picking weather!

  2. It's really neat to see the trees with so much fruit on them. Though I'm afraid our cool,wet summer may transform into a rather snowy cold winter... shudder.

  3. You never know, it may not!! But being inside all snuggly and warm is a good excuse for knitting or crocheting that blanket while watching a good movie and sipping some hot chocolate;-)
