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Sunday, October 25, 2009

Grandma's party cake

So I did the cake for Grandma's birthday party (she is 90). And it was quite an ordeal. I had to bake it 2 (and nearly 3) times! the 1st time the cake cracked on the vanilla side (grandma wanted it 1/2 chocolate and 1/2 vanilla) but it still formed a rectangle so I was considering frosting it as was. but Michael decided to eat the vanilla portion from the inside out! So I went and baked ANOTHER cake. cut the top off to level it and had the top pieces in a bowl. I turned the cake out onto the cake board and went to use the restroom. When I got back Michael was trying to eat the chocolate part of the cake! I wanted to die.

I ended up using the chocolate portion of the 1st cake to patch what was gone from the 2nd cake.

But everyone was happy. i wanted to do more with the cake but ran out of time between making the apple pie toppings and getting ready for Grandma's party and everything else going on right now. I just decorated it rather simply with a butter creme frosting of course.

You can click on the picture for a larger image but the cake reads "Celebrating a life well lived"

I got this nifty little contraption that you slip your letters into and then press them into the cake so you can use the imprint as a outline for piping in your frosting. Makes neat, straight letter.

The 2nd photo is my Grandma (on the left). Doing really well for 90!

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