Knit & crochet pattern downloads

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Crochet kitchen set give away

I was cleaning out my corner where my rocker and crochet/knitting stuff is and I found this set tucked away all tied w/a bow. I have already given away the sets I intended to and though this would be a nice one to give away to someone on my blog. It is 100% cotton and includes all that you see here. I have 2 of these dish mats for my self that I LOVE to use. Lay it on your counter and stack your wet dishes on them in place of a regular towel. It allows air to circulate and of course the cotton yarn is much more absorbent than a standard terry towel.

This is open to all countries and if you are interested just reply to this post and tell me what you like best about this time of year. Next Tuesday (12-8-09) I will pick someone at random and let you know who gets the set.

Happy Holidays!

*you can click on the images for a closer view

3 Tunisian crochet dish cloths
1 dish mat
1 pot holder
1 handle cover


  1. oh goodie!! I get to be the first to comment. First of all, that is a great set! I love the fall colors.

    My favorite part of this time of year, is how families and friends come together to celebrate the holidays. Issues and complications are put aside for a small part of the year. And it just seems as if people care more about each other.
    Check out my blog and you will see what I mean!

  2. Oh, how exciting! Very generous of you :)

    My favorite part about this season, in addition to the Christian significance, is the giving. People really open up: give to their favorite charities, their favorite people, and really do it from their hearts.

    For those of us with gifts as our love language, it's a blast.

    BTW- I'm a leftie, too! :)

    (Munch on Ravelry)

  3. I love the mat, what a great idea! If I don't win I must make one for myself :)
    For me too giving is what makes the season special, however it's something I like to do all year round whithout always needing an occasion for it. Finding something that I think a certain someone would like is a good enough reason. And then the very best is to see their surprised faces!

  4. Those colors are beautiful!

    I like that in this season, we are reminded that we are part of something much bigger than ourselves.. a larger world, a long tradition of faith, of our place in human history. I like the time for contemplation

    lucythechurchlady (on ravelry)

  5. What a lovely idea rachel! Thank you for your giveaway - and aren't these goodies lovely!

    I especially like december as I get birthday and christmas in one month:-) I just love giving presents anytime really but christmas is that little bit more special. I also enjoy making gifts for christmas so I do tend to start watching christmas classics with the inevitable munchies round about now! So the whole month has a good festive feel:-)

  6. Jennifer, I never thought of thinking of gifting as a love language but that makes so much sense!

    Le-chat, patterns speak to me all year long. Sometimes I see one and I just have to make it for certain people, which are always well received!

    Enjoying reading the replies.

  7. Hi Rachel,

    that is a lovely idea of you. I guess you wouldn´t ship to Germany, but anyway I´ll answer to your post because it reminds me of something which really touched me and happened a long time ago. I love that you are so generous to gift something handmade to somebody (by the way your kitchen set looks fantastic)

    I love this time of the year because quite a lot of people are doing charity or RAK´s (random act of kindness), I think we need more month like this. What I mean are things like this: One year I was working in east europe with handycapped people and we got a parcel from an old lady in a wheelchair. She has knitted socks for the whole village (that was 30!!! pair of socks). I still own these socks (they are 9 years old now) and everytime I put them on I smile and get a warm fuzzy feeling inside and think how gorgous it is that an to me unknown person had done this. I would love to say thank you to this lady, but don´t know who she was.

    That´s the most important for me. Have a nice christmas time.


  8. Tiia,
    That is a wonderful story! And of course i will ship to Germany. This is open to all countries.

    I always remember the 1st time I really got involved in crochet. I was in a woman's shelter with my daughter (she was 6 months old) and a lady volunteered her time, hooks, needles and yarn and offered to teach us. I used that hook and yarn to make mittens and hats for my daughter for the cold midnight walks home and to work in the desert.

    RAK's can go a long way. Help 1, help many!

  9. Hi Rachel,

    love your experience in the woman shelter. Actually a nice idea to do as volunteer.

    And yay for beeing so generous to be open for all countries on the world. Can´t wait till tuesday to see who the lucky one is.


  10. Jennifer is the winner. Thank you all for replying. I loved reading your posts.

    Happy holidays!
