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Sunday, December 13, 2009

Girl Scouts at the Griffins - hockey

Last night we took the Girl Scouts out to the arena fora Griffins game. We had 9 girls and our troop filled one row. Because some of the girls wore their badge vests & sashes the troup got large posters for Griffins Hockey. They also had a autograph session with one of the warewolfs from Twilight (Alex). That was a bit of a disappointment as they were allowing some to pose with him but kinda shoved our girls through. But the girls got their autographs. Rachel & Jessica cought T-shirts that were being thown into the crowd. We left at 5:45pm and got home just before 11pm. THAT was a long night! I had to work the night before as well so needless to say when I got home I passed out! Rachel spend the night here w/Anja after the game.

But here's our troop

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