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Thursday, December 10, 2009

Oh, the weather out side is frightful...

So they have been talking about nothing but this HUGE storm we are supposed to be having. IT was supposed to hit yesterday. So yesterday morning we had a thunder storm which turned all our existing snow to slush, that was a MESS! But the blizzard never came. we got a flurry instead. only a couple inches. It still made the roads slick though because of all the rain & slush that was on them. So last night it started to snow again. All the schools are closed AGAIN so the kids are home. The snow is coming down fairly well but still not the blizzard they promised. Right now it's about 16ºF but the wind chill is a -3º so it's pretty chilly. I decided to snap some photos while I was out shoveling this AM for the heck of it... No, I wasn't shoveling for the heck of it, just taking photos for the heck of it ;) .

So here are photos of our 1st snow "storm" here in West Michigan.

I am glad though that we didn't get the storm they predicted as they were saying we were going to have a thunder storm followed by sleet and ice and then blizzard like conditions. That would have knocked down many a tree and probably cut power to a lot of homes (which happens every year). I do think though that the ice is so pretty on the trees, just seriously dangerous as you can hear cracking limbs all around when we have ice storms.


  1. Glad it missed you. Because it dumped a lot of snow. No school here for two days.
    We did get it and we are dug out but the street has not been plowed yet.
