Knit & crochet pattern downloads

Thursday, August 5, 2010

Book: Tasty crochet

So I was browsing the book store yesterday while I was out getting a memory card for DD's PS2 as she got Guitar Hero for her b-day and just couldn't resist this gem!

A cute little crochet book that has 33 patterns for food in it. It's broken down into

Breakfast - 7 patterns
Lunch - 12 patterns
Dinner - 7 patterns
and of course...
Dessert - 8 patterns

Stitches are pretty basic and these are small easy to work patterns. I have not made anything yet but they appear to be well written. Just an over all cute little book.

My boys love to play with their kitchen and their play food but the plastic stuff just get's broken and poses pinch hazards so I thought this would be fun.

you can get this book on Amazon - Tasty Crochet !

back cover *you can click to enlarge these cover images.

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