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Saturday, September 4, 2010

We do(n't) have a new cat

So we have had this stray kitty on our porch. I was feeding it to keep it near as I posted a found add on Craigs List and also a "seeking a good home" add.

Well, DH felt sorry for it as it was storming and let it in. It is really friendly with the kids and lets them pet him and pick him up. I went and got a litter pan and small bag of food but it looks as though we have a kitty now! He doesn't have fleas and is litter trained. I will take him to the vet down the road to see if he has a microchip in him and if not, he's good as ours.

Robert has decided on his own that the cat's name is Cookie.


  1. Do you still have Cookie? That would be hard to give him back if you found his owner.

  2. Cookie is now Carl and he is our cat. Couldn't find his owner or someone to take him and we were starting to get really picky of the type of house we wanted him to go to so our's is doing just fine.
