It's a foundation row SC band then the color is 2 stitches SC, 5 stitches HDC, 5 stitches linked DC (this part is basically Tunisian crochet), 5 stitches linked TC, 10 stitches 4 wrap long crochet. then continue reducing same as other side. Attach black yarn 3 stitches from the color and SC across color and into 3 stitches of the black on the other side.
I leave 20 stitches on each end for the ties then 50 stitches in the center for the design when I make the 1st band.
do do the linked stitches instead of YO amount needed for the normal stitch I insert hook in cross bars (where yarn wraps around post) and draw up loop. I do this either 1 time (dc) 2 times(tc) or 3 times for the 4 one. to increas I just yo then insert hook into the bar, this creates another bar on the next stitch. to decreas I insert hook into one bar lower on pervious stitch skiping the top bar.